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Sybase ASA IFNULL到Microsoft SQL Server转换

Sybase Adaptive Server Anyware IFNULL功能退回二些表达式之一,取决于或指定的check表达式是NULL 或 NOT NULL。

Microsoft SQL Server不支持IFNULL。Microsoft SQL Server搜索 CASE表达式可以使用以执行Sybase Adaptive Server Anyware IFNULL功能。

SQLWays变化Sybase Adaptive Server Anyware IFNULL功能到Microsoft SQL Server搜索CASE表达式测验第一表达式为 NULL。

表格 69。 IFNULL有二些表达式转换的例如
Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere
Microsoft SQL Server
create procedure asa_sp_ifnull (par int,
par2 int)
declare res int;
SET res = IFNULL (par, par2);
create procedure asa_sp_ifnull @par INT,@par2 INT
AS begin
declare @res INT
SET @res = CASE WHEN @par IS NULL THEN @par2 END

表格 70。 IFNULL 有三个表达式转换的例如
Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere
Microsoft SQL Server
create procedure asa_sp_ifnull (par int,
par2 int, par3 int)
declare res int;
SET res = IFNULL (par, par2, par3);
create procedure asa_sp_ifnull @par INT,@par2 INT, @par3 INT
AS begin
declare @res INT
SET @res = CASE WHEN @par IS NULL THEN @par2 ELSE @par3 END

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